Sallie McFague

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Sallie McFague

Sallie McFague (1933-2019) was a prominent American theologian known for her innovative work in ecofeminist theology and her emphasis on seeing the world as God’s body. Born in Quincy, Massachusetts, she earned her Ph.D. from Yale University and went on to teach at Vanderbilt Divinity School, where she served as dean and later as a distinguished theologian in residence at Vancouver School of Theology.

McFague’s groundbreaking books, including Models of God and The Body of God, challenged traditional views of God, advocating for metaphors that emphasize care for creation and justice for the marginalized. Her theology offered a holistic, inclusive vision of faith that inspires environmental and social responsibility. Known for her warmth, intellect, and humility, McFague left a lasting legacy through her work and her unwavering commitment to ecological ethics, making her a beloved and influential figure in contemporary theology.


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