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Mozambique is a country located on the southeast coast of Africa, bordered by Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Swaziland. It also has a lengthy coastline along the Indian Ocean, which has historically made it a strategic location for maritime trade. The capital and largest city is Maputo, known for its vibrant cultural scene and colonial architecture.

Mozambique gained independence from Portugal in 1975, but subsequently endured a prolonged civil war that lasted until 1992. Today, the nation is known for its rich cultural heritage, blending indigenous traditions with Portuguese influences. The economy is primarily based on agriculture, but there are significant investments in the extraction of natural resources such as coal and natural gas. Mozambique is also renowned for its stunning natural beauty, including pristine beaches, coral reefs, and a diverse range of wildlife, making it a growing destination for tourists seeking natural and cultural experiences.

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