
2.5 2 votes
The Public's Verdict


Istanbul, straddling the Bosporus Strait that divides Europe and Asia, is a city with a unique geographic and cultural identity. As the only city in the world spread across two continents, it serves as a bridge between the East and West. Founded around 660 BCE and historically known as Byzantium and later Constantinople, Istanbul has served as the capital of several empires, including the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman. This rich history is reflected in its diverse architecture, including iconic structures such as the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and Topkapi Palace. Today, Istanbul is Turkey’s largest city and a major cultural and economic hub. Its vibrant street life, bustling markets like the Grand Bazaar, and a thriving arts scene make it a dynamic metropolis deeply rooted in a rich past while looking forward to a modern future.

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